Monday, July 21, 2008

:: quote of the day::

As it had laid on my coffee table everyday
staring at me with the soulful eyes
of a cockel spaniel in an SPCA advertisement..

I had finally relented
and picked it up for a read
while ignoring other jealous little literary daggers
radiating from my bookshelf

But it has proven to be a wonderful companion
on my ride home
embarrassing me in front many innocent paserbys
while i snickered uncontrollably into the book

The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld
As as usual Terry Pratchett doesn't fail to deliver
Like a condensed version of every punchline made by the Master
It brings you down the memory lane of every book you have read
and remind you why he is undeniably--- unbeatable

To extract my favorite quotes from there is pretty futile
Considering that I will probably end up posting the entire book
which will probably make me a criminal for plagerism
not to mention the monster callouses
that will afflict my poor fingers

And why should I pay $40 bucks for that book
while you cheapskates read it from the web ;p
so buy your own book

It is a MONDAY and everybody deserves some cheering up ..
So here is a tasty morsel to tempt the taste buds
like the licking of whipped cream off a frappe

" In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than soap, and much more difficult to find..."

"The shape of DNA, it is popularly said, owes its discovery to the chance sight of a spiral staircase when the scientist's mind was just at th right receptive temperature. Had he used the lift, the whole science of genetics might have been a good deal different. *

* Although, possibly, quicker. And only licensed to carry fourteen people."

And now with my nightly meditations on the keyboard done..
I shall proceed to enjoy the book till I fall asleep
dampening the book ever so slightly with my enthusiastic drool ..

lights out

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