He would have dedicated part of his all-famous war strategies to it
I know that swimming is suppose to calm you
But anybody who has ever swam in a public swimming pool..
Will know that it is more like a mad-cap Super Mario game
The journey from one end of the pool to another
is filled with numurous obstacles and sudden ambushes
that it will make entering Mango on a 70% sale
or finding dancing space in Puture at Zouk on a saturday night
seem like a delightful stroll in the park ...
Ever tried minding your own business and keeping to you own lane?
One that you have so carefully chosen to avoid any other swimmers.
Far away from the screaming kiddies in PJs, and googles>>
Like over-enthusiastic alien tadpoles learning to swim
But somehow..
once you start swimming..
you feel like a super hero .
not in a good way ...
In the way that >>
It seems like all forces of evil are plotting to get you
With the first stroke..
Rouge kiddes appear, straying into your lane..
And while you are being distracted by them
some guy JUST happen to want to swim in the exact same lane as you
Despite the many other elatively free lanes available.
As you re-enter the water after gasping for breath
you see that dude tunneling towards you ..
not caring what is in his way.. not seeing either
And there are the occasional "floaters"
older folks.. who stubbornly swim the breath of the pool at their own leisure
making everybody who are swimming the length stop to let them pass
THEN there are the "road blocks"
who hang around the end of the pool
suntanning, chatting... or trying their best to look cool
basically not doing any swimming at all
In the end ..everything boils down to a game of chicken
If you see someone in your path of motion
just keep on swimming forward
the loser will be the one who shifts their course just in time
to avoid a deadly aquatic collision
While I do not exactly have a death wish
But every time I enter a public swimming pool
I become this aggressive lioness
possessively protecting my territory
Ready to dish out a "friendly" kick (not hard of course)
in the direction of anyone who dare to veer too close into my lane
And this, I have to shamefully admit ..
is not me at my civic minded best.. ;p
But I SWEAR .. I never laid a hand (or feet in this case)
on the kiddies
As much as I would have liked to stuff their blindingly fluorescent swimming caps
into their mouths to stop them from breaking the sound barrier with their shreking
While I'm sure all these said will make me sound like a vicious mean old biddy
And I should just go get a private pool *like duh*
But till that happens
I will keep my gripes
However .. I did enjoy my swim today
The feel of my body weightlessly cutting through the water
In an water-logged choreographic ballet
feeling every muscle straining with every stroke
and the fragmented sunlight entering the water and caressing my skin
With that I shall end with a promotion of ::Jaslyn's Spa::
Feeling in need of some TLC,
I decided to pamper myself with my very own home-spa session
Having bought a "love me" package from Bodyshop
I set about exfoliating and moisturizing..
~ the whole shebang
After an evening of....
papaya body scrub
strawberry body moisturizer
grape seed cuticle oil
tea bag eye mask
seaweed face mask
and oilve oil hair mask
I felt ..and smelt like an exotic fruit salad..
yummmy ..
NOW for a limited time only ..
There is a one for one promotion at Jaslyn's home spa
>> Bring a bottle of wine
and you get 1 free spa session..
AND if you bring cheese along as well
you will get a free massage ..
hows that for a sweet deal..
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