Tuesday, December 15, 2009

be careful

Its 12 midnight

sappy ballad playing in the background..

the air is heavy and hot

i'm rubbing my bare feet on the carpet

creating static

The mood is just right.

where can I be?

... but in the office of course

Some nights are made for these
quite cogitation
and reflection of the useless

good night

Monday, December 14, 2009

A bug in the brain

Images of Brad Pitt kept flashing into my head..
Half naked, gleaming with sweat,
ribbed in all the right places...

And that rather annoyed me..

An irksome problem
when you watch a movie before reading the book..

Even with my best effort at Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club
My brain just keeps getting pulled back to the movie..

Imagination stumbles with great difficulty
to draw the characters up fresh

a movie is just an interpretation of the book

Like a piece of art.

A painting of a flower is what a flower looks like
through the painter's eyes...

And we use it to greater appreciate its beauty
But it will never hinder how we see a flower

Perhaps the characters created by the director were so vivid,
they become larger than life
they reach out from beyond reels
to take host in your brain

There is only one Tyler Durden
It is Brad Pitt wearing a grimy bath robe with goofy plaid pants
and fluffy slippers

Somehow the characters in the book seem more flawed
Somehow they don't deliver the messages with the same panache
Their punch lines.. miscued.

Somehow I know it is all cerebral.

The only joy I take by knowing the ending
before reaching THE END

Is that I get to spot the clues, the sleight of hands,
that the writer had so blatantly placed all throughout...
hinting at the real truth..

Would I have spotted it ..
if I was reading it for the first time?

That is something I will never know..

And Brad Pitt half naked
should never be annoying
in any universe ...

Monday, November 16, 2009

There was always a nagging feeling that
I never quite fit in. The side glance
not caught. The quip never quoted.
The anecdote never re-told.

If I were a sesame street song .. I'll be..
One of these things that is not like the others
One of these things just doesn't belong

Always the side line, the beeches, the fringe.
Sarcasm developed as a shield,then a weapon,
then a tool.

I grew to love words - beautiful proses, wicked lines,
effusive superfluous phrases, non sequiturs, things left unsaid
- but you know were ...with well-placed blanks

If a picture could say a thousand words
I'll still rather be a writer and
say much more..

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Give up your ghosts tonight

Driven by the macabre of the season
And of stormy days in my tea cup of life


Give up your ghosts
And all that haunts you

At the oddest times of day

Bent down to pick a fallen pencil
Pushing through a crowded bus
Mid-kiss at the door step

Saying goodbye

A momentary sense of loss
A pang of regret
A tear not shed
A sigh that never materialized

The invisible hands that hold your heart

The shadows in the closet
Those that you are afraid

Will come out at night

Ever look into a mirror
And fear to see yourself reflected
Because then

There is no where else to hide

Give up your ghosts
And all that haunts you

Bury them tonight.


Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Hmmm .. I like...



if only I knew that earlier...

wouldn't have waste all that money on whole tubs of Ben & Jerry's cookie dough..

Its brilliant
Exactly captures the feeling

of almost reaching that moment of mythical fulfillment..
.. Only the find disappointment as the punchline.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A convert

Fight Club was playing as I walked through the door..

and a real gem floated to my ears..

"When people think you're dying, they really, really listen to you,
instead of just waiting for their turn to speak.."

intrigued, I slowed to watch..

"Everywhere I travel, tiny life. Single-serving sugar, single-serving cream, single pat of butter. The microwave Cordon Bleu hobby kit. Shampoo-conditioner combos, sample-packaged mouthwash, tiny bars of soap. The people I meet on each flight? They're single-serving friends."

and then I'm hooked..

while I KNOW I am very slow to have picked this up..
I am definitely going to get the book tomorrow.

Hungry for words..

with meaning

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

O you poor sod

It is a sad sad day in humanity
When the greatest satisfaction one takes
is to savour the moment of intentionally ingoring invites on facebook

And on even worst days..
You feel that you just arent getting it.

I know that feeling
All too well

bing bong bang