Thursday, July 31, 2008

On the couch

The things we do on a Thursday night >>>

leaving the office feeling somewhat lost
with my gym bag swinging dejectedly beside me
knowing its not going to be of much use tonight.. '

I headed towards my friendly neighborhood grocery store
where the wonders of produce
belies hours of gastronomic pleasure

That was how I came to be
With a Sandman in one hand
A Shiraz and feta cheese soaked in olive oil on the other
passing an unremarkable but very full-bodied night
.... and that is just the overture

Now a bitter chocolate to accompany the 2nd
or maybe 3rd or 4th glass of red..
it has tapered to a sweet, lilting end note

Dark claret on dark mahogany
contrast and compliment
a sensory symphony

I savored each silver of rich decadence
with a fully satisfied lick of the lips

Pondering the endless complex reflections that Sandman besots
and watching Gremlins with my dad

Somehow the weight of loss and regret
is always not far from the mind

I am not a happy person
I try to be the best person I can be
but thats about it

For now, a wine a couch and a book ..will do
Waiting for that piece that fit just right

A fitting sign-off
~ The hardest thing I've done, is keep beliving..
that theres someone in this crazy world for me


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