Monday, May 23, 2005

nights out are keeping me sane

yawnz* slept for 4 hours. My eye bags are getting deeper, soon they will be larger than my eyes. But I cant seem to stop myself fr gg clubbing. Its like a moth to a flame, the mysterious warm glow of a loud music, strong drinks and a promise of a good workout *on the dance floor that is* is too much for mi to keep away.
Work is just so mundane, so utterly boring and confiding, so full of females *with no cute guys in sights*;p I need to be in the presence of high levels of testosterone to balance my karma.
Sighz~ a report to do by today with no inspiration.... i need the drive to produce solid work .. somehow the hunger to do well in sch does not trascend into my reports for work. *help!!!*

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