Tuesday, May 31, 2005

``Love Affair With Alex```

:: Part 2 ::
Wooo okie wrote this later then expected. Just came back from lunch with Joel :) Brought him to Alex's Eating House... for some sweet juicy chunky cha siew ... hahha yumzzz... we were damn fast lah... joel eats at such a speed that before I could even say "how is your cha siew rice??" he finish eating liao...hehehhe.. i worked steadyly on my shui jiao cha siew mien.. and I considered myself a fast eater liao...guys: they use shovels instead of spoons ;p

We were soo full!! Decided to walk to suntec, bought some fruits there.. now im bursting outa my Mango skirt, feeling increasingly drowsy being back at the comp ;p Hehe I remembered simin's nick today - "tummified and buttified" haa.. yess the bane of the desk-bound. A growing tummy and a spreading butt... yucks... i told her i wished there were chiars with a nice rounded butt mould, such that our butts will mould into a nice shape as we sit at our desks. *dreaming*..

Anywazz.. since we are at that topic---
Tip of the day :: sit with your back straight to keep your stomach muscles tight and clench your butt at intervals to keep the blood flowing and prevent cellulite from forming::
~ it really works, i did that last summer, but too lazy to do it now.. bec now i have a huge comfy chair that i just sink into ;p ~ hello...fat butt :(

After reading Melva's comment and having simin's and celeste's replies... haha I have decided to dwell more on the topic of ZY&CY ( if pearly and rong quan can do that..soo can we..heheh..can you guess? *winks*)

Well, Zhiyuan known to all as robin.. (no more batman jokes ahh.. *stern look*) is a sweetie pie. And for everybody's concern... im not gg to run off with anybody as yet... ;p
For now, there is no one else that is as smart or as good looking in the horizon that loves me soo much. *he is the only one that is blind enuf :p*
A pretty gd investment, because i can forsee us having good looking babies in the future.. hiayozz..i think ill kill myself if i have ugly children ;p (shallow as that might sound)... BUT sadly, i think we will have damn short kids, with thunder thighs :( hope for their sake that they will be good at gymnastics then....

Okie i digressed.. hmm..actually earlier this year, he told me that I shd be more independent, that i shd go out with my friends more often, and not stick to him so much. So I warned him.. that if i do, i will not be able to love him in as much totality, because for me, abscence DOES NOT make the heart grow fonder. ;p Well after some soul searching while treking in Tahan *the mountain air is something wonderful* and a push from "someone" in the right direction... I decided to find back my old life again.
Those who knew me back in JC would say I have mellowed alot since I got attached in Uni. -- so where is the old CY?? Well people change, but i hope the spunk still remains.

ANywaz... yah kinda enjoying my life now.. robin might feel abit left out.. BUT when i complained that our dinner meetings only last for an hr every night.. he said: XX and XX meets every saturday only what... ;p
Like huh.. okie lor.. like that, im fine just meeting you once a week too....

Celeste brought up the fact that he might sense a dejavu, bec when he was chasing me, he asked mi out to movies, dinner and all.. and he sense a pattern coming. Actually, I have thought for a very long time before I got together with him. Because technically there was a grey peroid where i 2-timed my ex to be with robin. I was afraid that this relationship would start with distrust because how can you trust a gf that 2 timed her ex to be with u ?? I dint want things to get ugly next time.. and accusations start to fly.. ;p

*In deep thought now*
Final words::
I have always been the type that guys see as a platonic friend.. a listening ear and some company...never as a potential gf... i guess i do not have the X factor.
Perhapes that is why I still have much faith in guys, bec many have remained as just good friends.... Other then 1 or 2 stray black sheeps that polute the herd... *Dan u bastard..i never loved u...*

*muacks to all my sistas out there*

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