Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Are you the Clod or the Pebble

The Clod and the Pebble

"Love seeketh not itself to please,
Nor for itself hath any care,
But for another gives its ease,
And Builds a heaven in hell's despair"

So sung a little clod of clay,
Trodden with the cattle's feet.
But a pebble of the brook
Warbled out these metres meet:

"Love seeketh only Self to please,
To blind another to its delight,
Joys in another's loss of ease,
And builds a hell's in heaven's despite."

~ William Blake

While reading Blake as I ambled home
I found this poem that struck a cord
especially i was just talking about love
i shall continue with this theme
with more food for thought

are you a pebble or are you a clod?

happy pondering....

and i must say
Blake proves to be a wonderful companion
for those long walks home..

Monday, February 26, 2007

Paris, Je T'aime

Paris, I love you..
from the city of romance
comes 18 stories of love from the heart of the city
18 five minute clips by 18 different directors
all based on the title theme..
with a huge assortment of famous stars

At first glance one might wonder
how beliveable can this be
with actors like Elija Wood and director Wes Craven
would it become a hollywood version of an arthouse flick
like a wolf in a sheeps clothing
all the grittyness removed to be made palatable for the masses

I had my reservations..
especially since im not a romance-chick flick kinda gal
give me Apocalypto anytime...
and never try to force me to sit through Lake House ;p

Never-the-less it had turned out
to be a rather interesting experience
For I guess..
epecially in our age
we tend to forget love is far more than being 1 dimensional

the flick in that short 90mins
had managed to conveyed that love
is more than just romance

it is about...
~lost memories that we hang on to
~maternal connections that transcends physical distance
~closure that doesnt come with death
~expectations that we cannot fulfill
~responsibilities that tie us down
~purity and innocence

But yet..like a enfant terrible
it can be fickle, selfish, cruel, lost in delusions
and just full out weird...

and we are just caught in its storm
like swirling leaves...

The most poignant clip for me
was about an American Lady
who learns french so as to travel to pars
as we listen to her speak in panifully slow french..
she becomes more and more pitiful
with delusions of her solitude life
that you begin to feel sorry for her..
and then you laugh at her to cover up your embaressment for her
then in the end
you start to see the world from her view
and you realise
that who you are doesnt make you more deservable of love
it is something almost so etheral
that to be in love is just to feel blessed

Paris is a wonderful setting for the film
it makes me miss Europe even more
i wonder what would it be like if the film was set in Singapore
well definately not something i will see
if Jack Neo is the one directing it ;p

Tagline: One City. 10 Million Hearts. One Love Story. One Film.

sometimes I wonder what is love
and am I in love

now perhpas i can see that i have always been in love
in many many small ways...

by loving life
you love everything that encompass it

as for now..
I shall spread some love ..

A very hot king he will make
I cant wait for his new film ..
Hollywood crap or no crap..

Friday, February 16, 2007

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

No more roses to stop and smell...

The new year seems to bring with it a certain lazyness..
its as if we left ourselves back in 2006 while being pulled into 2007
the inertia weighting us down..
as we move in this new year with swimming pool slowness...

Perhaps the imminent chinese new year will jolt us into action
But even the new year has taken its time to come
Being the year of the pig...
who can be surprise ;p
And I shall celebrate it like the pig that i am..
havign seen 2 full cycles of the zodiac..
my time has come again!

celebrate all ye fellow pigs...
it is our year
and what best way to celebrate it than to eat
barbecued pork and roast pork and pig trotters!!
i can wait for the slaughter to start..

well before the aroma of honeyed crispy skin can fill the air
let us celebrate the perfume of flowers
hundreds and hundreds of bouquets
i saw being unloaded at the florist
while i was out for lunch
you can almost see the florist grinning with manic glee
thinking about all the poor guys she can swindle off money
"buy a bigger bouquet lahh"
she will say ..
"the more flowers "..
"the more she will love you.."

as if flowers can be quantified into love
the only thing these innocent looking roses can quantify into
is 12 bucks each.. flying outa your pocket..
phew.. faster than u can say....
"i love you" ...

In this mad captilaist world
let us all take a moment to ponder and remember
that love is not about ...
what brand of chocolates you get
or how many gifts you have unwrapped
in the end
the number of flowers dont mean a thing

However i am not a total sad sack ;p
let this be my ode to my Shanghai Romance

my love for natural lattice work

The view outside my hotel

cute hoghe-porch of small houses with a backdrop of sky scrapers

interesting colonial houses that the british left behind

The wonderful french connection

Obscure art galleries tucked in a corner of the industrial area

Blackie in repost

Lots of art work on anti-capitalism

The outside grafitti is just as interesting

To my relief .. the museums were not all about traditional art

While abstract is not my cup of tea ..
i think it has provided an intresting education
perhaps i am not giving the art form enough credit

alot of time was spent reading maps in the cold...

While i entertain myself snapping pics..

its wonderful to walk the small streets
and discover the real city beneath all that cosmopolitan
althou with a heavy heart
i can see its character slowly being erroded
under a film of shiny westernisation
where every few feet is a starbucks
and mass consumerism moves to the beat of mass standardization

Even this little villiage of zhou zhuang
is no longer the quaint water-village it used to be
its claim to fame as the
Venice of the East
had brougth millions there
including Tom Cruise
who filmed Mission Impossible 3 on location there

but regardless of all that ..
it is nice to try and imagaine
yourself back in time
enjoying a true blue ancient chinese sunset

and this is one of my sweetest memory of Shanghai
I loveeee breakfast..

But this of course will be the saccarin-dripped-in-honey-sweetest
memory of alll..

to the one who kept me warm
fed me well
and made sure we dint get lost