Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The return of the daughter of Frankenstein

One dark stormy late afternoon....*Thunder booms*
the said victim came back .. feeling very tired after dance camp...
feeling constipated .. she decided to go to the loo before she konks out

But before any bowels got moved
She started to doze off .. dreaming lurid dreams
and then boom *dramatic scary muic*
she blacks out and falls head first onto the toilet door.
and *bam!!*
the impact knocks her out again...
*music fades away..*

when she regained conciousness..
blood was dripping all over her face and onto the floor
her dad was banding louding on the door..
she couldnt reply..
she couldnt call for help..
and slips back into blackness

when she woke up..
she was in an ambulance..
with a medic bending over her..
disorientated.. she closed her eyes and finally got a rest
the rest she had been wanting
for soo long

*after hours in the operating theater under the knife of a plastic surgeon..*
with 30 stiches ... and alot of injections
she emerges ... all patched up....
a modern day Frankenstieness...

Quick hide your children... !

Well seriously ..
thou this is a true life account...
i guess .. it dint come with a dramatic sound track ..
but i swear
everything was word for word.. ;p

during this whole amazingly absurb experience
half of my embarrassed self was kicking myself
for being soo stupid
the other vain half was kicking myself
for fear of being Ms Scar Face forever ;p
and i keep wondering if i was still dreaming
cliche as it sounded
i willed myself awake
but alas...

i was awake throughout the operation
and it gave me lots of time to think
while the doctor had asked me to sleep
somehow having needles going through your face
and strings tugging at your eyelids...
sleep just doesnt come that easily

it dawned upon me that
all this shit must be karma
maybe i have not been as good as i should be
maybe i can be a better person
and maybe ill be ugly forever

soo i started praying
to no god in particular
to any higher being that cared to listen
that i will survive this ordeal
and i shall aim to be a better person..

i have seen the panic
that i had sent my parents into
and i vowed to show more appreciation to them
and to let them worry less
althou my mum is now soo paraniod
afraid that ill trip and fall over everything
that its driving me crazy

i vowed to be better to my friends
they have shown me much concern
kisses to dians and simin..
yesh.. im beautiful ..
no matter what happens..
*rolls eyes* lol

and i vowed to relive myself of all emotional baggages(mainly men..)
and focus on finding my direction in life
and making my career work...
it should no longer about me being happy
it should be about others being happy too

cai yun has worked too hard
and yun cai(caiyun's evil twin)
has played too hard
soo now..
being forced to slow down and
smell the proverbial roses yet again
i shall make the best of it

*kisses to my sis ..who gave me this wen i came back from the hospital*

and soonn
i promise soon
i will post the rest of my kili pics and journal
once.... my arch nemisis gives me my photos ;p
and only u
can call mi Hilary Potter ;p

To the rest..
im Frankenstina ;p
okie.. sorri
i had a moment
must be the moon..

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