Monday, April 17, 2006

At last.. i am fulfilled

* Life of Pi*
by Yann Martel

After starting this book in the middle of the term,
I have finally managed to finish it
it was an amazing journey
through an unbelivable adventure
of an incredible person
an Indian boy named after a French swimming pool
whos father owns a zoo in a small French-controled area
of the British empire India
and who managed to survive a shipwrek in a lifeboat
with a full-size-male-bengal-tiger
and a hyena
and an orangutan
and a zebra
and many cockroaches
and flies
and sharks swimming ard hungrily outside
and a carnivoreous island
and ...
you get the picture

Its a wonderful and whimpsical tale of
a boy
with a love for animals and religion
both of which managed to save his life
in a situation which would have killed others

while the book had a wonderful rambling start
giving us a romantic portrait of a man
which is easy to like
whose courage we look forward to read and admire
however the end
somehow seemed darker
and you wonder
about the origins of the story
about how humans
can be personified into animals
and what is the line
seperating the truth for fantasy
it perhaps draws some association to the book Animal Farm

and that caused some kind of dissapointment in me
for I would rather belive in a whimpsical ending
a fairtale ending
then wake up with a splash of cold water
and realised it was all just a figment of an imagination
but still not wanting to spoil anybody's read
I shall say no more
it is none-the-less
a wonderful book
and I totally agree with Pi
on his view of religion
embrace all
for as long as the gods bring you closer to
to nature
and lfeel ove
~the all emcompassing love
for mankind
for yourself
... it is good enough
there is no best religion
there is no singular religion
for arent all religions borne on the believes of men

keep an open heart
that is something no amounts of chicken soup can give you :)

and i shll end with the pic of us being trapped on the train tracks
while a train comes rushing down at us

~ yeah rights ;p

but beside the bukit timah railway tracks lies
a very nice italian restaurant~Valentino
*will keep a mental note*


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