Tuesday, August 30, 2005

No Espanol ~~

Sadly..I have to say adios to my 3 term pipe dream of learning spanish ... :(
Ahhhh ..si si
I just dnt have enuf edollars
and its nobody else's fault but mine ;p
~ for squandering my edollars on the likes of dear old TBS
.. i guess my skirt wasnt short enough ;p

School is into its second week and the most happening place is the library
says alot about our sch culture aii
Sadly the freshmen bash seems lackluster soo far
no buzz no excitment
and what kinda cheesy theme is Rendezvous??
tacky !!!!!!
and it doesnt help that Hotel Rendezvous is right beside the school
doesnt seem very good if your event brings to mind a dubious 3 star hotel does it..

and it conjours up images of JC proms with themes like "starry night" or "retro night" ;p
with girls in dowdy Daniel Yam dresses and big hair looking like the 40 yr old aunties which the dresses were actually meant for...
~guys in loud shirts and even louder ties (their dad's) ...
with enough gel in their hair to brick the great wall of china..
the food is always bad (nobody actually eats it)
the music worse..
and the fashion of the teachers chaperoning ....worst...

but i guess that depends on which shcool you came from..
i noe SOME PEOPLE buy Hugo Boss suits for their prom..
ahh well..
but my prom wasnt all that bad...
I even had a prom date who actualy came to fetch me in a *gasp* mercedes...
taxi ;p

but anihow it was a real sweet move and very "high school"
~fulfilled my lifelong wish of being like a typical american teenager..
although noo.. it wasnt very romantic and i dint have get a corsage... ;p

thats what silly thoughts you get from watching too many movies

i dnt think my sch actually had a prom date tradition -- too cheena
most of the guys are soo "traditionally chinese"..i think alot of them still have the same mentality as my dad's generation about women ..
which is ..that we, women shd stay at home .. cook and be a good wife/mother/cleaner

I use to think that SMU guys are different
that they are more open minded
about things like having a wife that earns more than them ..
or who aspire to be a CEO
and that they are not intimidated or put-off by a girl that is better than them .. and more driven than them

But is that true ??
Or are the nature of men such that
they admire girls who are driven and successful and smart
they like to look at girls who dress daringly..
They enjoy talking to girls who are friendly and speak their minds

BUT when they have a girlfriend...
they expect the girl to dress more conservetively..
to be willing to stay at home to take care of the kids
to ease talking soo much to other guys
and be there when they are needed...

Are these acceptable sacrifices that a girl has to make ..
some do it galdly because they are willing to change for love
but what if you are not willing??
kh once asked mi ...
shouldnt people be willing to change for love??
or sumting along that line

I use to think ..yes..
that love is all powerful...
but is there a limit ??
how much are u willing to change yourself for the person you love
shd we accept each other for who we are...
or impose changes

ahh welll.....
Just wish they will outlaw Daniel Yam dresses from all proms ;p

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