Images of Brad Pitt kept flashing into my head..
Half naked, gleaming with sweat,
ribbed in all the right places...
And that rather annoyed me..
An irksome problem
when you watch a movie before reading the book..
Even with my best effort at Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club
My brain just keeps getting pulled back to the movie..
Imagination stumbles with great difficulty
to draw the characters up fresh
a movie is just an interpretation of the book
Like a piece of art.
A painting of a flower is what a flower looks like
through the painter's eyes...
And we use it to greater appreciate its beauty
But it will never hinder how we see a flower
Perhaps the characters created by the director were so vivid,
they become larger than life
they reach out from beyond reels
to take host in your brain
There is only one Tyler Durden
It is Brad Pitt wearing a grimy bath robe with goofy plaid pants
and fluffy slippers
Somehow the characters in the book seem more flawed
Somehow they don't deliver the messages with the same panache
Their punch lines.. miscued.
Somehow I know it is all cerebral.
The only joy I take by knowing the ending
before reaching THE END
Is that I get to spot the clues, the sleight of hands,
that the writer had so blatantly placed all throughout...
hinting at the real truth..
Would I have spotted it ..
if I was reading it for the first time?
That is something I will never know..
And Brad Pitt half naked
should never be annoying
in any universe ...