Dun let the rain get you down
How true,especially
when if its not raining when you wake up..
it turns your office into a ice box
or just when you are all ready for a nigth out
it pours with such gleee
knowing that all illusions of
al fresco dinning and long strolls
gets drizzled upon
wet throughly..
and then washed down the drain
Dont you just LOveeeee December in Sinagpore
The clamy air really brings out the christmas cheer in everybody
especially when you all squeezing in the shopping center
wet from the rain
and then pressed between a swelling crowd
all in the same deplorable state as you...
i cant wait to get out of this place
and freeze my ass off in Shanghai
where its really cold..
and winter holds more meaning ...
and i can find an excuse to wear a trench coat and boots
if you do that in Singapore
you either look like an 'ah lian' who lost her way
trying to find the Bleeping neo-print machine
which incidentaly is also going into extinction
or a werido/ pervert/ fake watch hawker...
But i know somebody *ahem* is looking forward to Rain *winks*
not the Singaporean one that makes you wet...
but the korean one with the hot bod..
oh wait...hmmm.... i guess.. he can also make you ....
hahahahah ...
err.. not me
i swear...
anywaz.. yesh .. time seems like sand these days
slipping out of my hand before i know it
and then culmulating in weird little pockets
when you suddenly find yourself twiddlign your tumbs
wondering what to do...
soo now i have found myself stuck in such a clump of sanda
with my comp staring accusingly at me
reminding me that i havent blogged in a while
i guess once you stop writing
and so many things have happened
you just dun noe where to start..
and then you start to wonder
who is going to read anyway
and then...
history is made.every second
and everytime we fail to say something
it is like while the words remain a non-entity
.... their potential remains
in my mind
soo many post i have written
but yet.. they remian there
maybe i shd just install a hard disk into myself
and start downloading straight from my brain...
anywaz.. enuough said
time still remains .. dragged into infinity
and i will still have more time to post all
the potential posts that i want to
like my manila pics..
my great experience at Standchart Marathon
with a very cui picture of me crossing the line
and etc etc
I seem to have all the time in the world
other than to sleep
soo thus..
i should take this opportunity
of stucked bits of sands
to catch a few zzzzzz
all that is left i guess
is to say that
i <3 the T'ang Quartet performance yesterday
*claps* wonderful Black Russia
i hoped you liked it tooo
i thank you for the breakfasts in the mornings
and the suppers at night
watching you cook
is like watching a sciencetist at work
a ounce of intensity, a dash of precision and
a peppering of panachehappy birthday my dear.. ~ everybody go out and get your hands on a T'ang Quartet CD ~
and stay tune for the adventures of the drunken robot.. lol